Information Resources

Below is a list of resources that will help you understand how the FAA NPRM will affect recreational model aviation. I’ve tried to group the links by the organization that provided the information.

FPV Freedom Coalition

FAQ on the FAA Remote ID NPRM
Layman’s Guide to the NPRM for Remote ID
Remote ID NPRM Response Talking Points
Remote ID NPRM Response Guide

Flite Test Community Association

How to make a comment to the FAA on Remote ID (video)

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Government Relations Blog
[Ed. note: The AMA ostensibly represents the model aviation community, but the effort that they appear to have put towards defeating or at least “de-fanging” the NPRM have been wildly inadequate. They appear more interested in helping expensive clubs, thus ignoring the vast majority of folks in this hobby.]

Community Organizations

FPV Freedom Coalition
Flite Test Community Association (YouTube content)
Academy of Model Aeronautics